Saturday, March 22, 2008


Saint Tara Chand Ji Maharaj generally used to say in his discourses– Brahamana (a higher cast in Hindu cast system) is that man who has dissolved himself into Brahamic (cosmic) consciousness. He does not accept donation, but tries to give, whatsoever he has, to the needy, indigent and destitute. Power of Word, the Creator, reveals in his soul which fulfills all his desires. The Lord of imaginations (Kalpavriksha) accepts his offerings of Love and devotion and provides all the treasures of life to him. Saint Charan Das says-
Brahmana is that who identifies Brahman (God) in himself

Becomes introvert and seeks the vision of Lord

His senses cease to travel outward
He nurtures compassion for every creature
He becomes devoid of passions, anger, lust, greed and ego;
Brahmana is that who possesses these virtues.
We are devoid of internal treasures embedded in the deeper layers of our Self because we have not identified the hidden enrichment inside. The actual bliss lies inside but we are groping outside in the gloomy world of passions and grief. We are adopting lopsided approach which create imbalance in our life energies. The outer achievements are dominating over the spirit of rationale and wisdom which has created imbalance between the inner and the outer world. The result is tension, instability, selfishness, individuality, unhealthy competition, nepotism, communalism and terrorism.
The reason of this imbalance is that we have not awakened the spirit of Wisdom seated in the middle of eyes (Third eye); the Lord of which gives all the orders; all the actions originate from this sphere (Ajya Chakra) of actions. Ajya means command, Chakra means sphere. All commands emanate from this sanctioning authority. All the senses respond to the mandate of this housing spirit. But the inner Self of this sanctioning authority has been sleeping in his den for innumerable lives. We have not made efforts to awaken its power which is sleeping encoiled for many past lives. When it awakens, the life force starts dancing which is seen and enjoyed by the devotee, the yogi.
The Hindu scriptures have called this state as the ‘Awakening of Serpentine power’. It is called serpentine power as it opens its vistas of light like the expanding and contracting face of a snake. Sri Aurobindo has called it Psychic being who is the actual representative of Supermind and master of transformation in this phenomenal world of actions and reactions, and cause and effect. It is the immutable spirit which dwells in the mutable spectrum of physical consciousness. It is the glimmering spark of eternity amidst the fort of dark forces of relative existence. Bhagwat Gita has narrated this power as Kshara Purusha; the mutable Spirit of universe which goes on changing upto the time this cosmic play persists. This Kshara Purusha is the Lord of Works and Psychic being remains in its fold as the representative of Supreme Being, the Satpurusha. It coordinates and commands all the activities of this Ksaras Purusha in any individual existence. Upto when this psychic Being is not awakened, its spirit remains liable to mutability and perishability and remains the instrument of the changes of time, space and causation. It follows the principle of cause and effect. Its eternity does not manifest in its self. Its bliss does remain unveiled and disguised. The friability and fragility of its grounded nature becomes slave of lust and passions. Problems, sorrows and grief of the lower nature remain integrated part of its spirit. This state of helplessness and weakness of the spirit is called ‘Jiva’ in Hindu jurisprudence. When this spirit identifies its natal strength of Real nature, Para-prakriti, Para-shakti or Radha, it awakens and the higher nature of imperishable, intangible and immutable Purusha descends into the brittle regime of Ksara Purusha and dismantles the domain of illusion and hallucination. This immutable spirit has been called as Aksara Purusha, Aksara Brahman or Shabd Brahman; the eternal and imperishable power of Supreme Being which manifests through the melody of celestial Song (the Word Power) in the universe.
This Aksara Purusha or Brahman is the Lord of knowledge; the originator of all the streams of mental consciousness from where outflows all the gnosis of visible and invisible spheres of the existence. Discriminative power of mind and wisdom are the results of the outpouring of this Sun of luminous knowledge. Lord of Works draws its vitality from this Sun of gnosis. This Purusha has also been called Savitri-Surya or Gayatri-Surya. This sphere of consciousness is the golden womb, Hirnaygrabha; the womb of universe where lies all the seeds of this universe. The universe takes birth from this womb of Lord of knowledge; the Aksar Purusha.
There is third layer of consciousness which reconciles the opposition of Ksara and Aksara, mutable and immutable, God and non-God, thesis and anti-thesis. All the physical, vital, mental and spiritual forces become satiable in this stratum of consciousness. All works, all knowing and unknowing plunges into the ocean of Bliss of this Purusha (Soami), the Satpurusha or called Purushottama in Gita. Sri Aurobindo calls this state of bliss as the Supramentalisation of the being. This realization of the Self can come through self-giving as it is the inherited legacy of the Lord of love and devotion. The fortified spheres of Ksara and Aksar can only be surmounted and churned through the intense longing of love and devotion for Satpurusha. This realization goes beyond all the boundaries of abysmal lows and sublime highs. All the limitations and perceptions of life, mind, gods, and non-gods, virtues and non-virtues get vanished after taking a sip of the ambrosia, Amrit, of the sanctity of Satpurusha.
The path of self-realization starts with the awakening of sleeping power lying within ourselves. It is called opening of Third eye. Buddha says it Divya Chaksu, supernatural eye of brightness. Mahavir Swami says it Param Jyoti, the supreme Light. Hazrat Muhammad calls it Noor; Light as the embodiment of Allah. Jesus Christ calls this experience as the Light of the world. In this experience, supernatural powers of gods and goddesses of goodness and virtue shower their grace on the yogi. The endowed grandeur of cosmic energy starts flowing unobstructed through the yogi as through a vessel of Supreme Being. But this opening of third eye is the initiation of spiritual realization. It is the opening of consciousness of Ksara Purusha, the Lord of Works or Virat Purusha, from where all the physical and gross form of cosmos originates. It is the starting of celestial or heavenly experience.
Kapil, an Indian sage, calls this state of realization as the attainment of the power of discrimination, Vivekkhyatiprapti, and intuition. Patanjali Rishi narrates it the vision of cloud of Virtue, Dharammegha Samadhi. Sankaracharya, Sri Aurobindo and other seers of reality have called it the experience of Samprajyat Samadhi, a state of trance where all unknown becomes known. Vedic literature says when the Sun of Truth rises, the dark of ignorance vanishes; tat satyam suryam tamsi ksiyantam. This Sun of Gnosis remains refulgent for ever within the soul of yogi; adityavat prakashyati tat param. When this Sun shines inside the Soul of yogi, every kind of knowledge starts flowing towards him; yasmin vijyate sarvam vijyatam.
When yogi surpasses this experience of refulgence, he reveals the truth in the form of superconscient light; not visible even with the supernatural eye of the Being. The fervour and intensity of this light becomes so dense that it is not visible through the celestial eye of gods; the Third eye. This is the experience of Sahasrara; the seat of Param Purusha (Supreme Being). This experience has been known as the realization of Nirvikalpa (beyond all alternatives), Asamprajyat (beyond all knowledge) and Nirbeej (devoid of all the seeds of happiness and sorrows) Samadhi. Christian mystics have called this state as the ‘Dark night of Soul’ or ‘Dark Secret’; the experience of which was engrossed by Prophet Moses on Mount Sinai. In this experience he was enveloped by a cloud of darkness when he approached the abodes of God. It is a blissful experience where the spirits of God and non-God get immerged into the ocean of Bliss of transcendental Eternal. The experience of Sahasrara has been considered just a milestone in Radhasoami Yoga. It is the lower seat of Brahamic (Cosmic) consciousness.
Osho opines that upto when the Ajya Chakra, is not awakened, man cannot break the shackles of slavery. He always remains in bondage of physical, economical, social and religious slavery. A slave of many masters, inner slavery as well as outer; an instrument in the hands of whimsical and unflinching forces of lower nature. Once released from the clutches of one master, he is incarcerated in the prison of another. He can not give command; he is not capable of giving command. He can only accept the orders because his power of Command, Ajya Purusha, is sleeping.
Tantric philosophy says that senses are the food of third eye. This eye is hungry for many lives because it has undergone through the trance of deep sleep thereby losing its sense of intuitive discernment. The gate of its sensibility has been locked. Key is missing. Key which can awaken the serpentine power has been lost. The treasure can only be unearthed with the key of wisdom and the power of true discrimination. This enclosed bud can open its petals of wisdom only through the incense of psychic enlightenment. Once this psychic awakening is realized, the gates of benevolence and magnanimity will open. All the treasures of life and knowledge will become accessible. The adamant and obdurate walls of ego and ignorance will shatter and their consciousness will ultimately transform into the gnosis and bliss of superamental Power. The impressions of grief and hunger will vanish from the mantle of humanity. The sense of self-giving will dominate the sense of wit and the doors of ‘Heaven on Earth’ will be opened to the aspiring humanity.
The sign of true religion is that it makes a man independent and provides redemption. It does not imprison him through the temptation of heaven and fear of hell. God lives within and it can be revealed by self-giving as love and devotion is the soul of supreme Realization.
This realization is complete in all the respects. It fulfills a person in totality. The beauty and outpouring of enlightenment from the Self enriches the depleted consciousness of body, life, mind and psyche.
Darkness is nothing but the depletion of light. Sorrow is nothing but the depletion of joy and bliss. Poverty and hunger is nothing but the depletion of faculty of mind and physique. Anger is nothing but the depletion of love. Vanity is nothing but the depletion of compassion. Greediness is nothing but the depletion of the spirit of self-giving. Communalism is nothing but the depletion of vastness of religion. Terrorism is nothing but the depletion of spiritualism from the core of the heart. Soul, being integral part of bliss, eternal splendor and consciousness, love, compassion, sacrifice and grandeur of the Supreme Being, impregnates all these qualities. All the virtues flow exuberantly and dwell inherently in the religion of Soul and Self-realization.
God governs all because he exceeds all and dwells in all. Hence the religion of Soul is the religion of God and the religion of all. That is why the religion of Soul is capable to replenish all the depleted energies of an individual as well as the whole humanity and the whole existence. It is a converging and enlightened state of all the diverging and combating energies and vital forces of the universe.


Science and Spiritualism: Contrary or complimentary - DR . HARIOM JI , SR . SCIENTIST AGRONOMY CCSHAU - KURUKSHETRA
Realization of one reality pervading all-over the universal existence is spiritualization. Vasudevai sarvam, one divine all around or Ayamatman Braham, this soul is the divine, is the principle of knower of Divine (Brahamvid). The investigation of cause and effect in the multiplicity of this existence is the subject of science. Spiritualism and science are the two concordant as well as complementary aspects of one Truth. Spiritualism is the vivid experience of the unity of Purusha and Prakriti, the Being and its executive Force. Science is related to the study of principles effectuating that executive force in our daily life. Spiritualism is the result of sacrifices (ahuti) of all variable incoming energies of nature on the altar of blissful unity of God. Science projects the knowledge of discriminative outgoing streams of energy in the physical manifestation. Existence can not exist without these two incoming and outgoing energies. Such is the entwined, Ardhnariswa, relation of jyan (knowledge) and vijyan (science). One is the gnosis leading towards supramentalisation, while other is the study of power executrix of that gnosis in nature.
When one existence or object and their surrounding vibrating energy start to come within accessible range, it is the starting point of science. When the stretching range between the existence and its environment or being and becoming immerges in inseparable unity, it is the birth of soul. This is the knowledge or logic which becomes discriminative power of seeker and helps to unravel the etched and cryptic coverings (avaran) of illusions of the consciousness of soul. The soul then splendors into its natal refulgent virginity of truth. By practice (abhyasa), it stabilizes and merges itself into the pure and transcendental Self, Satpurusa. This knowledge of above cosmic existence when founded on a scientific inlooking discriminative sight brings disinterested and disillusioned devotion (bhakti), to the seeker, which is beyond any hallucination and labyrinth of illusion (mithyachara). The great scientist Albert Einstein had rightly said that science is lamb without religion and religion is blind without science.
Spiritual knowledge enunciates that the cause of universal origin is the out pouring of divine Power (Kundalini Sakti or Radha), which fragmented into smaller and smaller units during the process of its descent in this subtle and invisible (suksam) and physical (sthul) manifestation. The superconscient got divided into subconscient and unconscient during its intricate descent in the cosmos. Contrarily, the scientific views explain that this creation is the result of combinations and recombinations of living (chetan) and non-living (jada) material. How the two opposite principles can be reconciled? One is the principle of disintegration of energy while other is that of integration. Spiritualism and science both paves the way of their reconciliation. Spiritualism asserts, as the conscient force descends in the domain of Kala (Time) and Maya (illusions), the out coverings (avaran) and impurity of soul increase. This indicates the huddling of physical fortification with the simultaneous spiritual mortification. Law of conservation of energy also reconciles this opposition, which states that the total sum of energy of universe always remains same, it can neither be created nor destroyed; however, it can change its form from one form to another. Hence temporal and spatial fragmentation, transformation and unification of energy provide a firm ground for this reconciliation.
During the downward journey of spirit from the superconscient towards subconscient and delirium void of matter, inconscient world opens the vestibules for duality, trinity and multiplicity of nature. After coming in the physical world, ‘Struggle for survival’ and ‘Survival of the fittest’ become the law of being. The true-self remains disguised in the innermost penetralia of the tabernacle of heart. Self (soul) remains dangled in the grasp of darkness. It remains groping in the search of its true-self. While the upward journey of spirit towards the divine nature mutilates these multiple strara of differentiation. Divisive streams of inconscient and subconscient life and matter start integrating and, thus, lose their existence in the convergent unity of love and bliss. The lord of Works surrenders its sovereignty to the fire of knowledge, Braham Agni, the source of all works. This ascent of spirit into Braham Agni is not only the psychological and philosophical upliftment of reason and intellect but it is growing up of whole nature into the light of true–Being. Here all the works find their completion in knowledge, sarvam karmakhilam jyane parisamapyte.
When we take a scientific glimpse of a stone, which is Jada (non-living matter), we find that the atoms and nuclear particles in its inner vicinity are highly unstable and movable. At one stage the observations on these particles are affected merely by the presence of observer and the presence of radiation emanating from the measuring instrument. The Principle of uncertainty or indeterminacy propounded by German Physicist Heisenberg explains this phenomenon. It proves that when the matter goes in its deepest core of existence, its energy starts vibrating to exhibit its wave pattern, where the fixity and determinacy of matter gets dissolved into a highly mobile behavior of energy. This expression of energy is the origin of the spheres of vital, mental and psychic energy which acquires conscient and superconscient dimensions in its differentiating spectrum of evolutionary process.
The collective influence of instability and sensitivity of the executive force in non-living and living material, in its ascension towards higher spheres of consciousness, establishes itself as a highly originative and the most primitive and ever dynamic energy of immutable and imperishable Self. When it reaches at its crowning experience, it immerges in to the deep sea of transcendence and ecstasy and expresses itself through the spirit of love and devotion. Sri Aurobindo says that love is the crown of all works and knowledge as this whole creation out flows from this reservoir of never ending bliss and ecstasy. Swami Vivekananda opines that love is the piercing force to traverse the spheres of ignorance and darkness. Jesus Christ and saints of Radhasoami yoga and many other sects recognize the importance of the force of love and devotion for self-realization.
Human is using his energy for constructive as well as destructive purposes. The continuous use of this energy brings fatigue to the physique of man. Then he aspires to restore his lost energy and wants to lose himself in the enriched reservoir of energy in the trance of deep sleep. The consciousness of deep sleep, Susupti, is devoid of any flux or reflux. All the encoiling conciousness, Vriti, of mind ceases by taking a dip in the vast blissful sea of Susupti. Physical, vital and mental consciousness acquires new dimensions of activity after having juxtaposition with this state of being. Veda declares that this cosmic existence of enormous energy has emanated from the womb of overlapping darkness and inactivity; the absolute void known as the storehouse of spirit and motionless quietude. But this state of Susupti is not the state of knowledge; for darkness prevails all over this plane of consciousness. Hence, to make a spiritual dent into this highly energetic zone but full of ignorance and overlapping darkness, awakening of spirit is required which can break the citadel of this dreaded sea of darkness, ignorance and ego. This sphere of consciousness engulfs the whole creation at the time of dissolution of the universe.
Continuity and perseverance of meditation turns this state of darkness (Susupti) into the knowledgeable ecstasy of light, where the fountains of effulgence and splendor all around and above pour their lucidity in the darkened spirit of seeker (sadhak). Undeterred by failures and stumbling, he reveals the Sun of Truth concealed in darkness as stated in Rigveda - Tat satyam suryam tamasi ksipyantam. The individual self is enlarged as the limitless Self (Jyoti-swarup Braham). The lower nature of the being (swabhava) gets rejuvenated and transformed into the divine nature (madbhava) as stated by Lord Krishna in the Gita. This is the experience of Turiatit (beyond all sensual, mental and cosmic consciousness).
The relationship of Prakriti extending into the multiplicity of physical (sthul) world and its cognating subtle (suksma) planes constitute the puissant ground for scientific studies. It is the discriminative knowledge which makes us understands the behavior of nature and to find its hidden treasures and rejoice the indwelling and governing power of nature. Thus, scientific habitation of things as realized by the sages like Kapil, Gautam and Kannad unravels the inextricating knot of mysteries of Prakriti (nature) which facilitates and prepares the seeker for unfaltering ascent through the converging unity of the diverging streams into the transcendental consciousness of Supreme Being (Satpurusa).


Religion of Future ? A Perspective - DR HARIOM JI , SR. SCIENTIST AGRONOMY
Is there any God? If yes, what kind of he is? Where does he live? Why he propagated sins and crime? These are some questions which have always been creeping in human mind and shall keep doing so in coming times also. In fact this is necessary also because such a query which does not have an accessible solution keeps the man unquenched. For his peak progress, his peak desire should remain dissatisfied to a higher level as it prompts man for action. It is dissatisfaction which pushes him into sleep and again sets him in action. It is dissatisfaction which compels man to recognize God and infuse spirit of courage in him for flying to unending and unlimited heights and it has instilled enormous confidence in him to fight and face the difficulties. It has engendered imagination power in him to achieve the impossible. This imagination power, which convinces us to reach the unlimited, unending and immeasurable heights, has also made us to think of a super Power which is totally complete, free from any bondage and self-reliant; more so we also aspire to acquire these qualities means we also want to become like him. This cryptic desire of being to emulate himself to the higher Self proves the identity of man as a man and the same identity has rendered him courage and capability of becoming one with God, otherwise there would have been no difference between a man and an animal, a plant and a non-living matter.
Thinking capability of man is responsible for his good or bad thoughts, it endows him with the power of selection and till he continues to select he will choose and continue to endeavour for acquiring every thing that is within his imagination power. Therefore till this thought process prevails selection will persist and so existence of best shall also be a reality and hence, presumption of God can’t be negated. Till man is in the process of thinking, till he imagines and resorts to selection, till he is conscious, till he recognizes good or bad, till he has fear, till he hates and till he loves, he shall keep aspiring to become supreme and almighty .Till he possesses a desire of attaining supremacy, existence of God shall remain and so shall remain religion . Religion can be of two types, theist and atheist. Human religion has its origin in thought, it is a philosophy whether it originates from a person who believes in God or it is from the mouth of atheists like Charwak or Karl Marx.
Religion of Divine for all is one. Physical and mental religions can be different for different people. All the religions which exist in the world as on date have their origin from mind i.e. they are mental religions. Divine religion is not evolved out of thought, it is not a result of imagination. There is no place for any sense, selection, affection or hatred in it; it can’t be given any name or form. Calling Divine religion a religion will also not be fair because where Divine religion manifests there is no discriminative power, every phenomenal presence gets stabilized; shape, colour, name, form or structure gets dissolved in that sphere of consciousness. When mind ripples subside completely, Divine religion is born. Till these structures, formations, impressions or emotions exist only human religion prevails, mental religion is recognized and it can’t be a cosmic religion; it can’t be a religion of plants and animals. If the religion has no universal essence, it is incomplete and incapable. How can such a religion be called a religion of God. This is not more than a line drawn by a man, Pegamber, messanger or any Avtar (incarnation of God), which has a boundary, a limit or a selection. Can eternity be bounded? Can unlimited be described in words? From the angle of Divine religion calling God a God or calling Khuda a Khuda also seems to be unfair to God or Khuda or Allah, as in deep ecstasy or in state of unified consciousness you can’t assign a title to any entity, you can’t remember any God as the soul immerges into the sea of Bliss.
All the conceptions and growth comes to a halt in sushupti (deep sleep). This sushupti is the inner base , the axle of man where he acquires complete tranquility, all the movements of his mind stop and from here he again gets into action by rejuvenating his tired and mitigated energy, he again becomes capable to restart his work after imbibing this state of consciousness. Source of Divine religion can only be that centre from where mind and physique regain energy, man feels freshness and gets renewed. Once a man gets acquainted with such a Divine religion, all the turmoil of his mind settles, then he acquires capability to provide peace and tranquility not only one but to many whosoever comes to him. On attaining the state of enlightenment he can make others enlightened. Any Holy place does not have any worth for him. All the pilgrimages, religious books or holy structures serve as mile-stones for him which may be indications but not the ultimate Reality.
Love is the nearest synonym to express such a divine religion. Love is present in every man and creature. It is spread in every atom of this universe. Due to the power of love one man or object gets attracted towards the other; earth revolves around the Sun and Sun is revolving around some other bigger Sun , one galaxy or milky way is revolving around another galaxy. There is no limit of love, therefore, love represents the limitless and eternity. Love never perishes as it is a craving of matter (living and non-living), therefore it expresses the imperishable. Love does not shift its determinism and promise due to variable circumstances, hence, it is immutable. Love does not distinguish between cast and creed or religion and community. It is beyond time, space and mind. Love can’t be expressed in words. It is independent. Real love does not put shackles of bondage but sets free. Sacrifice is its soul. Total nature and its existence communicate through silence. There is no place for justification or argument in Divine love, only understanding and mutual offering (reasoning) do exist there. Love is the source of Bhakti (devotion) and realization of God is possible only by adoring Bhakti, Sradha (Trust) and surrender, as only love has the quality to immerge; It can overtake any thought , imagination or consciousness . It is the quality of love under the influence of which a person gives priority to his duty over his life. He does not care to sacrifice his life in order to fulfill his duty. One can hide knowledge but incense of love can never be hidden. In the words of Saint Kabir : -

“Love can’t be concealed when blossoms in a heart;
Ever if tongue keeps mum, eyes shall weep.”
To acquire knowledge one has to make efforts to learn, training of mental faculty is required but love! Love is spontaneous, natural and organic and omnipresent in every creation of universe. Knowledge has boundaries, love is unending. Knowledge of every person is on different horizons but love has only single fruit and that is Ananda (Delight). A lover gets dissolved in the love of his or her beloved. Divine love does not ask for any thing in exchange, it does not dictate any terms, it is not conditional. Happiness of beloved is the biggest achievement of love. If love is conditional, it can’t be Divine love. Only love is the essence of Sufi cult in Islam and a Mureed (Devotee) completely surrenders to Sheikh, Rasool and Alaah (God). Emperor Akbar once asked Dadu ji Maharaj, “What is caste, color of god and tell me where his abode is and how can he be invented?” Dadu replied: “Isq (love) is caste and Isq is khuda’s colour , Isq Khuda’s abode and Isq his integral part.”
Saint Augustine is known as pillar of Christian religion, he had a great affection to God. He was always restless for a glimpse of God and wept day and night in virah (separation). He expressed his philosophy in “Confessions” in following words: ‘O’ God ! You are so splendid and source of every thing but I could not love you. I am so late in coming to you. Look! You were within me and I was wandering in frivolity in outer physical world in search of you. I used to love and chase such things which you created due to my folly and inadvertence. You were always with me but I never kept myself with you. These beautiful creations kept me away from you, yet these things are not your essence and necessity. They are completely worthless”. This experience of Augustine resembles with that of Socretes, Plato, Plotinus, Budha, Sufi cult, Hindu religion, Kabala, and Rabeej cult of Jew religion.
According to Jesus Christ, God’s kingdom lies within man. All the mystic Saints have said that God is not away from us, He resides within us. We don’t need to search him in the surroundings and sky. Whosoever lived this experience he quipped the God in his light form which exists in every atom of this universe , He manifests in every face and every structure and he is present in his bliss form every where and practically experienced in Turiatit (beyond all heights), Vicharatit (beyond all thoughts) and Bhawatit (beyond all emotions). He does not require any scripture or worshiping edifice to express Him. He is complete in him self. His description in words is not possible. Some hint can be given only by maintaining silence. Movement of tongue stops there, mobility of eyes do not work, voice extinguishes, knowledge ends; but even then it is said that who realizes him nothing remains to be known for him - Yasmin vigyate Sarvam vigyatam. All the treasures start surrendering before him because his soul gets fixed in Manipeeth (source of all treasures). There is no effect of fierce winds or storms on its luminosity, Like a lamp soul is ever luminous, he is always full of splendor of God . God’s resources are always at his service. Sukshma (subtle), Satvik (virtuous) and Devik (Godly) powers remain at his service.
Such a person becomes a source of light in him self and his surrounding also gets illuminated and charged; all treasures of nature start conversing in him. He becomes a living vessel of God power. If Surya–Braham (Sun of Gnosis) has descended completely in a person, current of time changes its direction. A new creation comes into being there. In addition to spiritualism, economic, scientific, political and social consciousness rises there. According to scriptures – when sun of truth rises, darkness vanishes; shining of that sun never decreases.
When kingdom of God shall descend? It will be possible only when this Surya –Braham shall descend in every soul and every soul shall shine like a Sun. Such a Sun which throws its lights in equal proportion on every thing and each being does not discriminate between them. It shares its light with every atom. Warmth of its light affects every thing and every person equally but deserving conductors get instant benefit and bad conductors remain in loss due to their own nature. Temple, Mosque, Church, Gurudwara or Sinagogue are similar to other lifeless objects before this ever-refulgent Sun. Existence of these does not matter for Him. Words and phrases of every Shastra are dwarf before this revealing existence as these can’t surpass their limits, if they cross their limit, their wings get burnt in the warmth of that spiritual Sun as the wings of a bird flying towards the sun in the sky gets burnt due to its heat. Under such an Empire of spiritualism, every one can express his sentiments and emotions freely but the beliefs and perceptions of others should also be respected. Peace generating spirit should always prevail and win over these emotions and sensual achievements. Psychic activities which afford life to others, do not throttle and strangulate the dynamism of life should exist and remain peaceful in the whirlwind of birth and death, and leisure and sorrows.
Establishment of such a kingdom of God is not possible in today’s degraded religious and social set up. For its realization we need to dismantle every anticipated and scripted conception because God can’t be a slave to any kind of conception. Spirit is the converging event of all the diverging energies. God reveals where all the opposites meet at the crossing point. This crossing point is the gate to enter the kingdom of Heaven. It is the real crucifixion of the spirit. It is a birth and dissolution place of both God and Devil or theism and atheism. Every contrasting state of being becomes compatible, harmonic and rhythmic on attaining this state of consciousness, as our conscious and unconscious spirit regales and becomes rhythmic in susupti (deep sleep) and gets rejuvenated on regeneration despite having contrast nature . They become complimentary to each other, serve as ladder for each other to return or pass into the state of awakening and deep sleep. There can’t be any place for personal form of God in such a kingdom of God because all the Pegambers, Avtars, Messiah, God or Goddesses are different shapes carved out from the incorporeal form of God just as different kind of ornaments are carved out of gold. Personal God is only a ladder, not a destination. Any structure with form or colour can only be a medium on the path of love; it can’t be an ultimate destination.
A person or a Guru can dissolve him self and become one with God. But how one who has imbibed his self into the greater Self can proclaim that he is God or Allah? This is true that on self realization one becomes so sacred and fearless that in his extreme love and compassion for God he utters the words of extreme imagination and conjecture. He can say Aham Brahamasmi (I am God), Tatvamasi (God is like you), Analhak, I am the son of God or I and my father are one in spirit because he has experienced such a blissful form of God Which is unparallel and incomparable to any object or bliss of this phenomenal world. But it also reveals a truth; if he is Braham (Supreme) others are also the same. If he is God’s son so are others. If he can become an integrated and inseparable spirit of God in his Kingdom, why others can’t share this empire. What a beauty! if one can declare like Socrates, whatsoever I have been able to know is that I do not know anything.


Incarcerated beliefs of present day religion- Shackles of bondage
Thanks to the pluralistic culture of this country (India) that has endowed me with the right to utter these words, "Yes I am a true follower of Patanjali, Budha, Jesus, Muhammad, Nanak and Krishna simultaneously". Is it possible to reconcile the opposition and be released from the incarcerated beliefs of the religion? Yes, the solution lies within us.
A few rational forces thrust for a benign separation of religion and reason. The Gandhian philosophy compares the separation of politics from religion with the severance of logic from the consciousness. Aristotle elicits that man is a political animal; animal because he is gregarious in nature, needs society for personality development and political; for he is the only animal endowed by nature with the gift of "Reason". ‘Eater eating is being eaten in the evolutionary process’, says Aurobindo, indicating the existence as an integrated whole. He asserts that the ascension of lower nature towards higher nature brings a purified and enlightened reasoning which imparts the power of psychic understanding and right discrimination. The inception of higher consciousness builds a firm ground to solicit its well-deserving liberty and independence. Thus the right to live cannot circumscribe its boundaries with respect to the changing mental and spiritual perceptions of the society in which a man lives.
The evolution of life, in its turn earmarks a need for struggle between the individuals (Darwin) or a class-struggle between bourgeoisie and proletarian as predicated by Karl Marx. He emphasized that the seeds of opposition in a system always remain embedded in its base and upsurge with the swaying of congenial environment. His ‘Dialectic Method’ postulates that nature proceeds through rise and fall of opposites. Hence in the process of evolution, a conscious being has to confront and combat the creeping hostile vital forces of limbic system preserved in human mind, which sometimes due to loose control of conscious mind goes berserk and becomes violent. So we have to supersede the intricacies of life vibrating under the influence of forces of determinism and free will.
Nehru's explanation of free will and determinism enunciates, "Life is both. Life is like a game of cards. You have no control over the hand that deals you. The hand corresponds to determinism; the way you play the cards corresponds to free will". Determinism is fixity where the energy works like a machine; free will is flexibility which refers to the faculty of mind. Once the bullet is triggered off, it results into a vicious chain of reactions. But the decision to press the trigger rests with the free will of an individual which may propose or dispose the moral and ethical values of a society.
Some prominent western philosophers like Rousseau, Kant, Green, Bradley and Bosanquet have brought further refinement in defining "Free moral will", differentiating into actual and real will. Real will is the Sovereign will which must be honoured by renouncing actual will or individual will. Real will corresponds to higher self and actual will corresponds to lower self. Blind belief in religion or a political set up is covetous and a pursuit of lower self, undoubtedly baulks the progress of any society or nation. Cicero favoured moral law identified with right reason. It is neither true religion nor right reason that construes nefarious designs of communalism and fundamentalism.
The present-day politics has done a great harm to religion. The so-called saints are getting political asylum. When reason and spirit become intuitive, a 'Will-to-do' is born, either Copernicus or Gandhian; a stoics not epicurean, a celibate not utilitarian. But when the marriage becomes occidental lacking intuition, a disaster is predictable. Civilization barbarized. Dark Age becomes inevitable. The intrinsic values succumb to death. The intelligible reality dwindles to extrinsic and presumptuous rituals. 'Love and universal brotherhood are persecuted and put to strictures. Jesus falls prey to the orthodox and superstitious beliefs of the society. Stones are thrown on Mahatma Bhudha and Mahavir Swami. The great library of ancient Alexandria is burnt in the name of fanaticism and blind belief in God.
Higher life hardly recognizes written inscriptions. Life is a spontaneous and organic necessity that Budha, Krishna and Jesus were. Today Christianity is the biggest religion of world. There was a web of superstitions and exploitations when he was born. The same web of incarcerated ethical codes and rituals has been fabricated by the present-day Christianity leaving no possibility for the rebirth of the spirit of Jesus. For Jesus will be a barrier in the rigid superficial structures knitted by the mendacious papacy arrangement not different from the labyrinth constituted by Hindu or Islamic priests in intimacy with the statesmanship.
Extremism and fundamentalism are not sparing any religion of the world. Even Sikhism which had been considered a live and benevolent representation of values has now become out skirted from its umbilical teachings. "Revealing Word' which was called Jesus by Saint Augustine and other mystics of christianity and doctrine of intrinsic 'Sabad' called 'Gurvani' or ‘Sound of God’ by Sikh Gurus has undergone complete annulment. The ‘Supramental Word or Supramental Logos', called a creative principle of all worlds and heavens by Sri Aurobindo is buried to death.Hinduism which always offered opportunity to extend one self to the subliminal highs and abysmal lows of the multidimensional possibilities of the spirit, has started denigrating its age-long spiritual heritage known for its illimitable tolerance.
A true spiritualist does not entertain power for himself but offers his life for the welfare of people. He does not solicit awards. Personal lust of salvation or power vanishes from him. His working is a natural flow of higher consciousness, "Prajya”. He stays above mundane longings and aspiration; Trigunatit, beyond the modes of nature. Chuang-tzu, a prominent interpreter of Taoism, declined an offer to be Prime Minister of the State of Chu. He said, "It was better to be a free pigling wallowing in the mire than to be a sacrificial cow adorned for the kill". Such sages rarely enjoy power but their teachings deeply influence socio-political life of the nations for a longer time.
Religion without its practical utility is futile, says Vivekananda. He preached to have a glimpse of God in poor and indigent man and called God by the name of Dridranarayan (God of poor). Other philosophers tried to visualize the glimmer of God or Goodness in the formation of the most ideal State. State is individual writ large (Plato). State is prior to man and state is real nature of man (Aristotle). Citizen is prior to man (Rousseau). State is the body of God; state is ethical whole (Hegal). State is working conception of life as a whole (Bosanquet).
These western philosophers left lesser or no room for individual freedom. Hegal and Bosanquet had rudely sacrificed individual will on the sovereign will. For the sovereign will was thought to be the will of God and the body of State as the body of God. State which had been considered the result of "Sin' and Satanic Kingdom upto 13th century before the arrival of Saint Thomas Aquinas, was now made a medium for the vision of God. In this new set up, personality could be denounced for the State's cause. States dignity was a priority even at the cost of war. The inner vision of spirit thus found outer expression giving way to the adamant national patriotic forces which resulted into wars for establishing superiority. As and when the inner intuition was lost, there were spells of discord and disharmony and the history of destruction was written.
Philosophy is said to be handmaid of theology like waves on the surface of sea. Indian philosophy urges to seek Truth within microcosm for realizing the mystical secrets of macrocosm, ‘yat pinde tat brahmande’. “The kingdom of God is within you", say Jesus. Know thyself (Socrates). Be a lamp unto thyself (Buddha) and "I am Atma (the Soul)", says Krishna in the Gita. It is man who denigrates the brightness of the Sun of Truth that shines eternally within us, adityavat prakasyati tat param. The whole stock of society remains ever-beautiful in the innermost penetralia of heart. It is only selfishness that mars selfless, nobody else. The solution lies within us. Awakening towards ones own self is the answer.
Does it mean seclusion or departure from mundane responsibilities? Whether state or spirit? Neither state nor spirit, neither ought nor naught. Sri Aurobindo has reconciled this opposition of Ksara (mutable) and Aksara (immutable) into Supramental unity. Saint Kabir has stressed for the blissful fusion of physical and mental consciousness into the supreme Will which is a source of all oppositions and compositions. After merging into this state of consciousness, individual self is blessed and merged into the ecstasy of enlarged self of Braham (Supreme God). Each one is lifted to the higher self, loses ego, gets enlightened, and becomes Catholic or Braham. All the religions of world find their original source and ultimate destination. Such an evolution of humanity is a future inevitability.


ORIGIN OF UNIVERSE- A NEW PRINCIPLE , Propounded by Dr. Hari Om, Agronomist
According to this principle, which is called 'Principle of Cipher Zone', the universe was originated in a series of four steps, i.e., four sub-principles are involved in this process. These sub-principles explain the origin of universe, its dissolution, basis of its expansion and status of energy in a star. The Principle of Cipher Zone propounds that the theory of 'Big Bang' is not responsible for the origin of universe, but this process advanced in a series of steps, which did not involve any vast explosion of the energy like Big Bang. It started as the process of formation of a star initiates. Today, the completion of this process takes lesser ?time' as it was taken for the formation of first star, because in the present universe, the material required for the formation of a star becomes readily available, but initially it was not so and this process proceeded very slowly. When the energy of this first star was burnt, it converted into a black hole; but before this conversion, the process of the formation of other stars and planets was initiated and they started revolving around this initially appeared central star. In this way along with the central black hole (converted from the first star) the surrounding stars also formed their own families and kept on revolving around the central black hole. Slowly and slowly, the first Milky Way came into existence. The black hole, which was initially formed, now occupied the central space of the first Milky Way thus formed and simultaneously this central black hole of the central Milky Way went on increasing its size by feeding the surrounding old stars. This way, other Milky Ways also came into existence around the central Milky Way and started revolving around it. All these later formed milky ways also had their own central black holes and found their base of stability from the initially formed central black hole and the central Milky Way like a string tied to the neck of the surrounding Milky Ways with the central one. When all the surrounding black holes merged into the initially formed gigantic black hole, the whole of the universe realized dissolution i.e. Maha Pralya. Now after dissolution, there remained only one universal black hole in which the energy of the whole universe turned into waves of almost compatible character with a stable centre of least moving energy having very dense core at the centre. Slowly and slowly the fast moving energy present at the periphery of this black hole went sluggish and slowed down which got scattered with the passage of time. The movement of the energy at the periphery gets faster and faster upto when the outside material in the form of stars, planets, or Milky Ways remains available for feeding, but it starts slowing down once the whole material is immersed in the central universal black hole. In this way, the whole black hole scattered with the passage of time. After that, the process the creation again started. These two processes of creation and dissolution proceed simultaneously through the creation of new stars and galaxies at the outer periphery and simultaneous dissolution of stars and surrounding galaxies into the central black hole of the central galaxy. The expansion of universe is also not due to Big Bang, but it is attributed to the size of the continuously increasing black hole at the centre of the Milky Ways. As the size of the central black hole increases, the expansion as well as the speed of the Milky Ways running away from the centre will go on increasing, but a time will come when the outer expansion will be ceased due to extraneous increase in the size of black hole or we can say that increasing density of the central black hole will not allow the further expansion of the galaxy. The incoming energy of the system will dominate over the outgoing energy. With this advancement in the increase of the black hole size, the whole universe will fall and rest in the centre. Every existence or system has a zone of neutral energy at its centre and in its surrounding where its energy ends and the periphery of another system starts. When these two neutral energy zones are merged into one, then the system or existence ceases to work and collapses or we can say that the differential strata of energy of that system are converted into more compatible and unified form of energy or we can say that it is the expansion of the central zone of neutral energy which compels that system to collapse. During the process of expansion, the central zone or black holes of different galaxies goes on increasing. This increase in the area and density of black holes in the middle of the galaxies allow the expansion of the galaxies. The ratio of increase in the area or volume of the black holes in relation to the expansion of outgoing and expanding energy can be assessed with the increase in the ratio of expansion of the nucleus of an atom and the overall expansion of that atom in the form of its mass and energy. The working of the system depends on the presence of energy at different levels and the inter- and intra-facial tension in those energy fields. When these fields are merged together, the system collapses or dissolved. In this way, the different systems or existences either small or large are converted into energy waves and this way the process of dissolution proceeds until a sole, gigantic and universal zone of neutral energy or Cipher Zone is formed, which brings the final dissolution. This present theory also refutes the finding that a star has the maximum temperature at its core. This theory propounds that a star has highly peaceful zone at its centre; it is not explosive. Every star or system has two types of energy; incoming and outgoing, working entirely at different level and in different direction. The larger is the system or existence, the greater it will have the zone of neutral energy at its centre i.e. a peaceful zone providing stable base to the whole system. The greater is the expansion of the zone of peace and stability at the centre, the more explosive or vibrating will be the surface energy either it is a star like Sun or vast ocean or galaxy. This is true only when the star or the system is composed of similar type of energy at its centre. If the system, like earth, has different type of energy particles at different levels, then the energy will be explosive at its core because of the admixture of different form of energy in the central zone. This is due to the interfacial stress among different types of energy resting at the same level. The central zone is nothing but the zone of neutrality, the zone of satisfied energy either it is at the level of smallest particle existing as an atom or largest systems like sea, star or galaxy. The unsatisfied or vibrating or tension creating charge at the surface is the result of the degree of vastness of the internal satisfied power of the system; if measured at the surface of the sea, there is a possibility of the prediction of future rains and devastating thunderstorms or catastrophic Tsunami outbursts. This charge may have its impact on the El-NiƱo effect and difference of temperature in seawater. If it is measured inside the earth, there can be a possibility of the prediction of earthquakes .