Saturday, March 22, 2008


Science and Spiritualism: Contrary or complimentary - DR . HARIOM JI , SR . SCIENTIST AGRONOMY CCSHAU - KURUKSHETRA
Realization of one reality pervading all-over the universal existence is spiritualization. Vasudevai sarvam, one divine all around or Ayamatman Braham, this soul is the divine, is the principle of knower of Divine (Brahamvid). The investigation of cause and effect in the multiplicity of this existence is the subject of science. Spiritualism and science are the two concordant as well as complementary aspects of one Truth. Spiritualism is the vivid experience of the unity of Purusha and Prakriti, the Being and its executive Force. Science is related to the study of principles effectuating that executive force in our daily life. Spiritualism is the result of sacrifices (ahuti) of all variable incoming energies of nature on the altar of blissful unity of God. Science projects the knowledge of discriminative outgoing streams of energy in the physical manifestation. Existence can not exist without these two incoming and outgoing energies. Such is the entwined, Ardhnariswa, relation of jyan (knowledge) and vijyan (science). One is the gnosis leading towards supramentalisation, while other is the study of power executrix of that gnosis in nature.
When one existence or object and their surrounding vibrating energy start to come within accessible range, it is the starting point of science. When the stretching range between the existence and its environment or being and becoming immerges in inseparable unity, it is the birth of soul. This is the knowledge or logic which becomes discriminative power of seeker and helps to unravel the etched and cryptic coverings (avaran) of illusions of the consciousness of soul. The soul then splendors into its natal refulgent virginity of truth. By practice (abhyasa), it stabilizes and merges itself into the pure and transcendental Self, Satpurusa. This knowledge of above cosmic existence when founded on a scientific inlooking discriminative sight brings disinterested and disillusioned devotion (bhakti), to the seeker, which is beyond any hallucination and labyrinth of illusion (mithyachara). The great scientist Albert Einstein had rightly said that science is lamb without religion and religion is blind without science.
Spiritual knowledge enunciates that the cause of universal origin is the out pouring of divine Power (Kundalini Sakti or Radha), which fragmented into smaller and smaller units during the process of its descent in this subtle and invisible (suksam) and physical (sthul) manifestation. The superconscient got divided into subconscient and unconscient during its intricate descent in the cosmos. Contrarily, the scientific views explain that this creation is the result of combinations and recombinations of living (chetan) and non-living (jada) material. How the two opposite principles can be reconciled? One is the principle of disintegration of energy while other is that of integration. Spiritualism and science both paves the way of their reconciliation. Spiritualism asserts, as the conscient force descends in the domain of Kala (Time) and Maya (illusions), the out coverings (avaran) and impurity of soul increase. This indicates the huddling of physical fortification with the simultaneous spiritual mortification. Law of conservation of energy also reconciles this opposition, which states that the total sum of energy of universe always remains same, it can neither be created nor destroyed; however, it can change its form from one form to another. Hence temporal and spatial fragmentation, transformation and unification of energy provide a firm ground for this reconciliation.
During the downward journey of spirit from the superconscient towards subconscient and delirium void of matter, inconscient world opens the vestibules for duality, trinity and multiplicity of nature. After coming in the physical world, ‘Struggle for survival’ and ‘Survival of the fittest’ become the law of being. The true-self remains disguised in the innermost penetralia of the tabernacle of heart. Self (soul) remains dangled in the grasp of darkness. It remains groping in the search of its true-self. While the upward journey of spirit towards the divine nature mutilates these multiple strara of differentiation. Divisive streams of inconscient and subconscient life and matter start integrating and, thus, lose their existence in the convergent unity of love and bliss. The lord of Works surrenders its sovereignty to the fire of knowledge, Braham Agni, the source of all works. This ascent of spirit into Braham Agni is not only the psychological and philosophical upliftment of reason and intellect but it is growing up of whole nature into the light of true–Being. Here all the works find their completion in knowledge, sarvam karmakhilam jyane parisamapyte.
When we take a scientific glimpse of a stone, which is Jada (non-living matter), we find that the atoms and nuclear particles in its inner vicinity are highly unstable and movable. At one stage the observations on these particles are affected merely by the presence of observer and the presence of radiation emanating from the measuring instrument. The Principle of uncertainty or indeterminacy propounded by German Physicist Heisenberg explains this phenomenon. It proves that when the matter goes in its deepest core of existence, its energy starts vibrating to exhibit its wave pattern, where the fixity and determinacy of matter gets dissolved into a highly mobile behavior of energy. This expression of energy is the origin of the spheres of vital, mental and psychic energy which acquires conscient and superconscient dimensions in its differentiating spectrum of evolutionary process.
The collective influence of instability and sensitivity of the executive force in non-living and living material, in its ascension towards higher spheres of consciousness, establishes itself as a highly originative and the most primitive and ever dynamic energy of immutable and imperishable Self. When it reaches at its crowning experience, it immerges in to the deep sea of transcendence and ecstasy and expresses itself through the spirit of love and devotion. Sri Aurobindo says that love is the crown of all works and knowledge as this whole creation out flows from this reservoir of never ending bliss and ecstasy. Swami Vivekananda opines that love is the piercing force to traverse the spheres of ignorance and darkness. Jesus Christ and saints of Radhasoami yoga and many other sects recognize the importance of the force of love and devotion for self-realization.
Human is using his energy for constructive as well as destructive purposes. The continuous use of this energy brings fatigue to the physique of man. Then he aspires to restore his lost energy and wants to lose himself in the enriched reservoir of energy in the trance of deep sleep. The consciousness of deep sleep, Susupti, is devoid of any flux or reflux. All the encoiling conciousness, Vriti, of mind ceases by taking a dip in the vast blissful sea of Susupti. Physical, vital and mental consciousness acquires new dimensions of activity after having juxtaposition with this state of being. Veda declares that this cosmic existence of enormous energy has emanated from the womb of overlapping darkness and inactivity; the absolute void known as the storehouse of spirit and motionless quietude. But this state of Susupti is not the state of knowledge; for darkness prevails all over this plane of consciousness. Hence, to make a spiritual dent into this highly energetic zone but full of ignorance and overlapping darkness, awakening of spirit is required which can break the citadel of this dreaded sea of darkness, ignorance and ego. This sphere of consciousness engulfs the whole creation at the time of dissolution of the universe.
Continuity and perseverance of meditation turns this state of darkness (Susupti) into the knowledgeable ecstasy of light, where the fountains of effulgence and splendor all around and above pour their lucidity in the darkened spirit of seeker (sadhak). Undeterred by failures and stumbling, he reveals the Sun of Truth concealed in darkness as stated in Rigveda - Tat satyam suryam tamasi ksipyantam. The individual self is enlarged as the limitless Self (Jyoti-swarup Braham). The lower nature of the being (swabhava) gets rejuvenated and transformed into the divine nature (madbhava) as stated by Lord Krishna in the Gita. This is the experience of Turiatit (beyond all sensual, mental and cosmic consciousness).
The relationship of Prakriti extending into the multiplicity of physical (sthul) world and its cognating subtle (suksma) planes constitute the puissant ground for scientific studies. It is the discriminative knowledge which makes us understands the behavior of nature and to find its hidden treasures and rejoice the indwelling and governing power of nature. Thus, scientific habitation of things as realized by the sages like Kapil, Gautam and Kannad unravels the inextricating knot of mysteries of Prakriti (nature) which facilitates and prepares the seeker for unfaltering ascent through the converging unity of the diverging streams into the transcendental consciousness of Supreme Being (Satpurusa).

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