The advent of Saint Tara Chand Ji Maharaj happened between the two devastating events of First and Second World War amidst the engulfing clutches of poverty and hunger in 1924. The pangs of gloom and grief hovering over the entire world during Second World War exerted deep and never ending impression on the heart of younger boy Tara Chand roaming in the streets of a small village Dinod in Bhiwani District in Haryana (India). Moving bare-footed on the burning sand of arid desert fields, a saint in budded form was aspiring for the redemption and emancipation of humanity embedded in the terrific seas of sorrow and horror. The grotesques of humanity dwelling within the heart of human, the generation of one Father, was arresting the freedom of man. Amid such propensity of salvation for the self and humanity, there happened a sacred union between the young spirit of Tara Chand Ji Maharaj and his spiritual preceptor Saint Ram Singh Armaan which changed his fortune and scripted the story of spiritual perfection amidst the gallows of grief and sorrow. Saint Tara Chand Ji maharaj did appear not merely in the dynamism of evolutionary human form but the representative and incarnation of supreme Word; the creator of all the physical, vital, mental, psychic and spiritual worlds of consciousness; besides tangible in its materialism, an invisible and imperceptible consciousness of the cosmic and transcendental existence. He was the divine teacher, Satguru; a resilient spirit impregnated in the eternal imprudent oceans of abysmal depth of the inconscient and subconscient world which is controlled and circulated by the chronological nescience and deliriousness of the three modes of nature imperious; darkness grasping but still groping concealed Will in the field of chance compels the subconscient world of ordinary stumbling consciousness of the present day humanity. He is also the splendor and ecstasy of the summits of sublime highs: an amethyst covered with dusty twilight of matter realized by the initial opening of the inner being amidst the purified erstwhile battlefield of passions, desires, feelings of lust and vibration of greediness, anger, instrumentalised poignancy of mental ego with the emanating righteousness and truth of the psychic descended for the accomplishment of the evolutionary process. An emerald with the green sheen life colour of vague obscurity intermingled with the outer faint reflectance of grey and violet light of matter encircling at the outskirts of subtle substantial existence; the original source of the physical universe. A diamond of reddish luster regaling and revealing the inner consciousness of Truth: the existence of subtle intermediary power, immutable, imperishable adoring with the deceptive illusion of Maya - the Yogic shakti, the power of Braham (Supreme) beyond the perception of higher mental or spiritualized yogic consciousness of the secluded ascetics. A golden yellowish chrysolite; the culminating refulgence of the outer reddish eldorado and the innermost beauty of inexplicable nebulous in stainless whitish splendor. All the richness of universe and possibilities of innumerable diversity of disintegrated individuality of the physical world, remain embraced in His vast unity and Beauty of enraptured bliss of love. He is the serpentine encoiling of the Kundalini Force, the mother Force; the creative power of the cosmos which initiates opening its plumage in the form of expansion of small specks in the form of dull light brooding between the eye brows during meditation process. Its awakening is just like the removal of the coverings of fainting dust from the golden pearl; Mridyoliptam Sudhantam as stated in the aphorism of Shvetashvatara upnishad which explains that such an embodied man who sees the light of truth of the Atman, the soul, which is like a gold or supramental flush of light in rosy attire, recovered from its earthly appearance, attains the goal of redemption and becomes sorrowless. But in Radhasoami phylosophy, this opening of the psychic being is just a step towards realization which proceeds with the purification, sacrifice of works and self surrender of lower vital and mental nature that helps in the opening of third eye, divya chaksu of Budha; it is the consciousness and dwelling place for the containment of gods of vital power of subtle worlds. This is the opening of Ajna chakra, the sixth plexus and originator of nervous life-providing stream of the existence. The seeker of the consciousness of this Chakra but below Sahasarara, the thousand petalled lotus, realizes an unceasing, may be intermittent initially, spiral movement of light like Sudarshan Chakra of Vishnu; an epithet for the power of subsistence of universe who holds a sharp, teethed revolving poignant wheel in his finger of one hand to slay the demons. This vast sphere holds the egg of glimpse of the manifestation of all the worlds overhead with the reflective light of their existence, consciousness and bliss: but still a shadowy reflection; yet a bright pouring of light for the outer world consciousness of the overhead planes of the universal consciousness and beyond the cosmic reality which exists in the formless beatitude of unification of transcendence, the purest supramental regions of Satya Khand; the true and purest spheres of Divine will. The vision of sacred feet of Satguru, the divine teacher, starts with the intuitive discernment of the reality through the opening of the universal consciousness of the divine Word Power with the unlocking of the sphere of grandeur luminosity called Saharasara, the thousand petalled lotus. Here lies the starting point of the consciousness of Satguru in Radhasoami Yoga, but it is a consummating accomplishment for all of the restive religious philosophies of the world. Satguru Tara Chand Ji Maharaj was the incarnation of outpouring of sacrifice which the Lord of Works offers to the creative propensity for fulfilling the divine Will relied in covering appearance of ignorance and non-cognizable material existence; through the automatic mechanical working of universal Evolutionary Energy breathing in each atom of the visible and subtle physical countless scatterings of cosmic boundless pervading consciousness. His birth was the advent of the Lord of Knowledge: the spirit of Brahamand; the cosmic Self - all satisfying Self permeating wisdom and the pedestal foundation for the universal thought and knowledge which provides the crutches to the lame, eyes to the blind and life to the lifeless creatures. That can be viewed by overting the cryptic penetralia of the immutable and intangible simmering Omniscient cognition which besets the adorer with the lucid experience of the presence of one indivisible. This revelation is the expression of cosmic Power dwelling in the heart of all beings, Vasudevam Sarvam; the highest secret of knowledge in Gita, that is the feeling of one Supernal power every where in the existence; the true meaning of knowledge. His birth was scintillating appearance of the Lord of Devotion and Love: the governing spirit residing in the core of the heart of every existence either individual or universal. An alchemist force which remains concealed: not within the visible ranges of individual or universal vision; but exerts a consistent pressure from the innermost tabernacle on the nature of inner worlds of spiritual existence and other consciousness of the subconscient world for its matter-of-fact evolution and promising transformation of the lower nature into divine nature. Attraction, intimacy, fluidity, mutual cooperation and blissful interaction are the essence of its presence, which discourages all the differentiating endeavors of the lower rungs of universal ladder of consciousness. Unity and Bliss are its principles where all the offerings of cosmic works or Karmas and unlimited boundaries of universal cognizance get dissolved into the principle Will. The advent of Satguru Tara Chand Ji Maharaj was a blow to the sovereignty of universal vital forces which shape a play for their prior establishment resulting into a catastrophe engulfing the whole world and leaving a long residual impact. The mythological evidences available in the religious scriptures display the necessity of battle between the forces of goodness and diabolical interests for establishing the government of virtue and justice in the world. For the advancement of spiritual evolution requires a thorough churning and topsy-turvy of the subconscient consciousness; without which the pursuit of flowering of cosmic works (Karmas) could not find its passage of dissolution. Each step of turning and churning gives a way for the appraisal of mental consciousness and pertinent lessons for the dynamics of future life, which serves as a vestibule for the entrance of new higher consciousness. Without terrible explosions on the surface of Sun, it could never have opened the vistas of energy necessary for the evolution of earth life. This was the reason, according of Hindu mythology, churning of sea (subconscious power), Samunder Manthan, was felt indispensable by the gods of goodness and evil for the extraction of ambrosia, the Amrit, necessary for promoting the process of life energies on the earth.
The mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, when asked about the relevance and necessity of First World War, commented, "The First World War was the result of a tremendous decent of the force of the vital world into the material world. Perhaps it was reaction, for there was another force coming down which wanted to do its work, and perhaps these forces did not want it as it disturbed their habits. It is like a government which fears that it will be thrown out and so intervenes violently in order to keep in power." Through any struggle of life a pre-emergent ray of supramental authority gives a look into the mutable and frivolous governance of the material world which create turmoil in their sovereignty. The First World War ended in 1919 with Warsaw Pact. The triumphant powers of First Word War imposed stringent conditions on the losing side paving the way for the decent of even more powerful vital forces in the form of ever-greatest dictators the world has even seen, thus making the conditions more vulnerable for humanity. With the result, the world observed a still more dangerous outrage of Second World War which played havoc from 1939-45 with its fiery intensity during the last three years. The advent of Saint Tara Chand Ji Maharaj happened between the two devastating events of First and Second World War amidst the engulfing clutches of poverty and hunger in 1924. The pangs of gloom and grief hovering over the entire world during Second World War exerted deep and never ending impression on the heart of younger boy Tara Chand roaming in the streets of a small village Dinod in Bhiwani District in Haryana (India). Moving bare-footed on the burning sand of arid desert fields, a saint in budded form was aspiring for the redemption and emancipation of humanity embedded in the terrific seas of sorrow and horror. The grotesques of humanity dwelling within the heart of human, the generation of one Father, was arresting the freedom of man. Amid such propensity of salvation for the self and humanity, there happened a sacred union between the young spirit of Tara Chand Ji Maharaj and his spiritual preceptor Saint Ram Singh Armaan which changed his fortune and scripted the story of spiritual perfection amidst the gallows of grief and sorrow. The appearance of Saint Tara Chand Ji Maharah was the birth of supreme Word, the Logos, in its raw form in the physical world which underwent its glorious heights by realizing supramental ecstatic consciousness. His birth was the birth of Divine Word; the son of God; the contact of which is indispensable for the deliverance and salvation of man from the agony of death and instability. Saint Plotinus, a great philosopher and religious genius of third century A.D. in Rome Empire and Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo in Roman Africa in 5th Century AD, worthly proved the significance of the incarnation of Jesus Christ as the advent of Divine Word - the logos, the son of God, a connecting link between the physical world and the God of Hearth. According to Saint Augustine, ?Jesus Christ, the revealing Word of God, is the magister interior, the ?inward teacher?, who enables him to see the truth for himself when he listens to him". The outgoing energy of creative love forms the basic principal of his entire theology. Augustine's cosmos is an ordered structure in which the degrees of being are at the same time degrees of values recognized by the intimacy with the revealing Word. Islamic, Jewish and Sikh mystic saints also recognized the shining lustrous form of God and audibility of his voice during the meditational practice. This voice has been designated as Anhad Naad, Naad Braham by Hindu saint's and Kalama or Kalam by Muslim saints. Radhasoami philosophy does explain the practical validity and magnified and distinguishably identified view of the eighteen spheres of supreme Power which descended from its abode to create an ordered cosmos of divine manifestation. The secret of revealing Word is called Surat-Shabd yoga in Radhasoami Yoga. The master of illumination who holds the key of Surat-Shabd yoga helps the spiritual seekers to know and realize the supreme Truth. In Islam, master of illumination is called Sheikh-ul-Israq. Saint Tara Chand Ji Maharaj was a spark of luminosity (Noor) emanated from the ocean of eternal Bliss of transcendental existence and outpouring of effluence embellished with the enrichment of Divine Word, the Anhad Naad. He physically left this earth and the world of relations on January 3, 1997 but His spirit shall always remain with us and help the spiritual seekers for ever as He is the connecting linkage and inhabiting spirit of unconscient, subconscient and superconscient existance.
The 101 gems by "Param Saint Huzur Tara Chand Ji Maharaj" Radhasoami
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